
Initially I was rather sceptical but as time went on I was surprised by the striking similarities coming from the explanation of the results of the study. Especially when I started to think about it later. It gives you some guidance on how to deal more consciously with your challenges and to be alert to your pitfalls. But also to enjoy what you have already achieved. O.A.


With numerology, I look at your date of birth together with your name as it’s registered with the civil registry. I ask you to give me this before the consultation, so that I can tune in. From your data come a whole series of numbers with corresponding descriptions that say something about you as a person.

Looking for your talents, lessons and pitfalls

Together we look at these and discuss your talents, lessons and pitfalls. What has already been learned, which talents do you already have, which lessons are still to be learned, why and how can we (further) work them out. In short, what do all these numbers say about you and how do we use them to empower you. Because whoever lives by the numbers becomes a happier person! The laying of feeling, talent and message cards is also an integral part of the consultation.

You will receive a reference handbook which contains a detailed overview of your personal numerology. Consultation: 1.5 hours.

Thanks to the numerology calculations and his intuition I have been able to solve questions from my past. And I have been given tools for the future. An unexpected liberated feeling. M.A.

The price of a numerology-consultation starts at € 77,-

Mini-consult numerology

You'll get a response within one week. Regarding privacy: everything stays between us both!

In a pleasant discussion, Eddy goes through and carefully explains everything. I also had to reflect on the processes of change at this point in time and then turn to the calculation. “How would it be if I take these facts into account when I make my decision?” You always have a free choice, but this science provides good guidance. And Eddy can communicate this in a very nice way. V.L.

Transformative Mediation & Life Coaching costs € 149 per session

Transformative Mediation
& Life Coaching

I use Transformative Mediation & Life Coaching when a conflict has arisen in your life that has not (yet) been resolved. This can be a conflict with yourself, within you, or a conflict with another person. In the latter case, when desired and possible, the other person can be present during the consultation. This is allowed, but not necessary.

Unresolved issues need attention

We will break down the problem together to get to its core, to transform it and to resolve it. We will look at what it has done to you, what your part in it has been, and help bring closure. You will go through a transformation and free yourself from the unresolved issues.

Consultation: 2 hours. Often several sessions are needed.

This was a beautiful and very uplifting session. Very special to experience. I can get into this! Fine to have such a resource. The messages you received have strengthened me. Very valuable that you confirmed that there is a protective power around me.. R.A.

Transformative Mediation & Life Coaching costs € 149 per session

This looks like something for me! I would like to make an appointment or have more information


As a Medium, I can tune in on someone’s birth dates, objects and jewellery. I have the gift of receiving messages from the universe that are important to you.

A separate or integrated methodology

I can also tune in on people who have already passed away. I cannot direct what I feel. I receive what is allowed to come in.

Consultation: 1 hour.

Eddy is calm, caring and full of integrity .. he makes you feel your freedom when he’s interpreting. His sessions are fun, pleasant, light and informative! M.S.

A Medium-session costs € 60

term explained: Common thread

When you look back on your life, you can see that there is a common thread running through your entire life. This could be a trait, talent or a lesson to be learned. The number associated with it indicates what you need to learn to become who you would like to be. It is therefore important to start learning these lessons early on.

term explained: 2nd cycle

28-56 years. The number of the birth day indicates the period of adulthood. During this period, you will be able to develop and work on the lessons, talents and pitfalls from your adulthood phase and, if needed, whatever you didn’t deal with in your youth.

term explained: messages from the soul

Important events that (completely) change our lives. In the process, insights may emerge that can cause the reaction we have to the event to be different from what it would be without this information.