During a mini-consultation, I explain what numerology means and how your numbers can work for you. We briefly discuss some of your numbers. You will be given a summary sheet with 37 personal numbers, as well as your life story.
Numerology Consultation A, 45 to 60 minutes
Before the consultation, I tune in on your date of birth. Messages then come to me that may be important for you. We discuss some of your numbers in the light of your life story and your summary of 37 personal numbers. We look at the (perhaps unsuspected) talents you already possess, the lessons you still have to learn and which pitfalls are lurking in your life.
Numerology Consultation B, 45 to 60 minutes
Consult B is a follow-up consultation if you have already had consult A. Before the consultation, I again tune in on your date of birth. I may receive new messages that are important to you. We discuss the consequences of your numbers in the light of your life story and your summary of 37 personal numbers. We discuss your (perhaps unsuspected) talents, the lessons you still have to learn and any lurking pitfalls. During the consultation, I lay out a series of 15 emotion, message and talent cards for you, with clear personal messages and guidelines, tailored to where you are at this point in time.
Numerology Consultation C, 90 to 120 minutes
Consult C is consult A and B in one. Before the consultation, I tune in on your date of birth. Messages then come to me that may be important for you. We discuss some of your numbers in the light of your life story and your summary of 37 personal numbers. We look at the (perhaps unsuspected) talents you already possess, the lessons you still have to learn and what pitfalls are lurking in your life. During the consultation, I lay out a series of 15 emotion, message and talent cards for you, with clear personal messages and guidelines, tailored to where you are at this point in time.
Numerology Consultation D, 90 to 120 minutes
Consult D is a follow-up consultation if you have already had consult C (or A and B). Before the consultation, I again tune in on your date of birth. I may receive new messages that are important to you. We discuss the consequences of your numbers in the light of your life story, your summary of 37 personal numbers and 10 new numbers and descriptions. We discuss your (perhaps unsuspected) talents, the lessons you still have to learn and any lurking pitfalls. If needed, during the consultation, I will either lay a series of 15 new emotion, message and talent cards for you, or I will explain your life path, or we will cover some shared lessons or discuss other issues that have arisen for you.
Transformative Mediation & Life Coaching, 180 minutes
Medium session, 60 minutes
Consultations can take place physically or online