“The session with Eddy using numerology and transformative mediation gave me a deeper insight into who I am as a person and what I had “lost” for example from my past.

The clear insights into the components of numerology have allowed me to look at a complete personal mirror of myself. Even if you could say that you’re reasonably familiar with your own view of yourself as a person and your life, this way has given me much more a sort of 360° insight into myself.

In addition, Eddy, together with his personal coaching, helped me to realise what was behind those parts of my behaviour which bothered me. And the way that Eddy helped me has allowed me to control this behaviour. To the extent that I no longer let myself be triggered by whatever or whoever. I have learned to recognise and deal with things. And I feel so much better now! This gave me a great turning point in my own life.

All the conversations we had were extremely pleasant. There was room not only for deeper questions, for humour and for astonishment, but also for emotion! The serenity of the sessions was a relief for me and made it very calming. Eddy took literally all the time needed, both in terms of content and for me, as a person.

The mediumistic messages were very personal and incredibly emotional, but also very enlightening. They gave me the answers which it later appeared I had been awaiting for some time. And as a result I felt once again a “complete” person.

Eddy, thank you for the way in which you have introduced me to numerology and a deeper understanding of myself. Thank you for the calm atmosphere in our conversations. I will never forget this!

You’re the best!” A.A.

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