Terms explained
If you are curious about the background of numerology and other personality descriptions, read through the list of terms below. It may be a bit overwhelming at first but with time you will start to enjoy it 🙂
A weak spot | Issues that need to be addressed. These tell us something about the characteristics that are our weak spots or are missing. Start to tackle them and do not wait any longer. If you ignore them, these issues will appear more frequently and more strongly later. |
Angel number | The most common and recognisable angel numbers are double angel numbers or angel numbers in the form of sequences. Think for example of an amount you have to pay, such as €77.77 or seeing 11:11 on the clock. If you think this number has a message for you, you can trust that it does. Always go with your gut feeling. |
Approach and Style | How a situation is approached and dealt with. It can provide clarity and insight when people are placed where they feel most comfortable and appreciated. |
Ascendant number | Also referred to as aura. This is what a person shows if you do not really know them. What you see is the aura. The numerological explanation of the birth date indicates who he or she is or can become. |
Aura | Also called the ascendant number. This is what a person shows when you don’t really know them well. What you see is the aura. The numerological explanation of the birth date indicates who he or she is or can become. |
Auspicious number | The number that indicates what makes you truly happy. |
Birth number | See also destination number. The birth number gives a view of your journey through this life, how you deal with certain situations, your passions and your disposition. It is a way of getting to know yourself better and to grow spiritually, allowing you to be more open to the many opportunities life has to offer you. |
Challenges | The challenge is the shortcoming we have to overcome to eventually reach our destiny. These challenges relate to material things and to relationships we have with other people. |
Common thread | When you look back on your life, you can see that there is a common thread running through your entire life. This could be a trait, talent or a lesson to be learned. The number associated with it indicates what you need to learn to become who you would like to be. It is therefore important to start learning these lessons early on. |
Cycle 1 | 0-28 years. The number of the month in which you were born represents the characteristics and talents you have and the lessons you can learn in your youth. |
Cycle 2 | 28-56 years. The number of the birth day indicates the period of adulthood. During this period, you will be able to develop and work on the lessons, talents and pitfalls from your adulthood phase and, if needed, whatever you didn’t deal with in your youth. |
Cycle 3 | 56+ years. The retrospective phase. The year in which you were born contains the information you can learn from the age of 56 onwards. Plus whatever you didn’t deal with in previous years. |
Day of birth | This is the number (from 1 to 31) on which you were born. The day of birth contains a description that fits you. |
Destination number | The number that helps you understand what makes you happy and what your purpose is. It provides a direction for what you, with the talents that you have, should start learning. |
Destination path | Also called our life’s destiny. It indicates which path we should take and which goal we should strive for. |
Destiny | See destination number or birth number. |
Destiny number | See destination number or birth number. |
Essence colour | With each destination number comes a colour. We also call this the soul colour. These colours are fixed. Just as in (Youth) numerology the number and the animal have a meaning, the soul colour also has a (similar) meaning. |
First impression | Appearance and body language largely determine how we first see the person. This is just an impression and not always who you really are or what another person’s first impression of you is. |
Focuses | The common thread and the different cycles (childhood, adulthood or the retrospective phase) all give numbers that need/to be worked out. We call these the focus numbers. |
Foundation number | This is the most important external support. It gives clues to how the person acts publicly. |
Great life cycles | The human life is divided into three cycles. The first two cycles cover a period of 28 years. The transition from one cycle to the next can be peaceful or very unsettled. The numbers that are diametrically opposed to each other naturally give the greatest turmoil. |
Heart’s desire | The wish that makes your heart happy and is at the top of your wish list. This indicates what you would actually like to be and also largely reflects our personality. |
Hereditary trait (surname) | This number belongs to your father, to you and to your brothers or sisters. |
Karma numbers | Also called tribulations. These have everything to do with karmic lessons. They point out the pitfalls we must learn to avoid. In other words, we have a ‘debt’ somewhere that needs to be repaid. |
Karmic lessons | These are lessons, left over from past lives or family systems, that we really need to start learning from birth. |
Karmic number | See destination number or birth number. |
Life cycle analysis | An overall personal numerological analysis. |
Life number | See destination number or birth number. |
Life path | To create a happy life, it is important to (re)discover your talents and to stick to them as much as possible. Your talents according to your numbers are described in your life path. |
Life path number | See destination number or birth number. |
Main Tendencies | What we prefer to see. The characteristics that we consciously or unconsciously use in our lives. |
Master number | These are double numbers that have a special meaning. The number is strengthened by itself, it has a double power. The master numbers in numerology are 11, 22 and 33 (see also spiritual numbers). |
Messages from your soul | Important events that (completely) change our lives. In the process, insights may emerge that can cause the reaction we have to the event to be different from what it would be without this information. |
Obstacle number | This gives us an extra lesson in the calendar year we are in. The obstacle number and the personal year work together or are experienced as a challenge. |
Ordeals | Also karma numbers, these have everything to do with karmic lessons. They indicate the pitfalls that we need to learn to avoid. In other words, we have somewhere a “debt” that needs to be repaid. |
Overarching numbers | Connections between the different numbers. We link the cycles to the destination number and find that numbers emerge that tell us something about those cycles. The numbers interact with each other to eventually reach the destination number. |
Personal day | A day also has a personal influence that can again be different for everyone. Personal days have everything to do with our personal year and personal month. |
Personal death year, death day, death month, and main message | These are the messages a deceased person passes on to the bereaved at the time of death. The messages can offer lessons that the deceased person (may) have perceived as important. |
Personal month | According to (Youth) numerology, you also have one main lesson to learn in each month. The month in which we get to learn one main lesson is called the personal month. |
Personal week | In addition to the personal year and personal month, it is apparent that the week number we are in, along with the personal year and personal month, also provides information. This information can lead to even more insight and awareness. |
Personal year | In each year, depending on the date of birth, one main lesson is learnt. The calendar year in which we can learn one main lesson is called the personal year. |
Pinnacles | Pinnacles show us how we can clear our path. These come from traditional numerology. |
Power number | Power numbers are the numbers 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99. |
Shared lesson | The lessons that 2 or more people can work out together. |
Soul desire in a personal year | A desire that is subconsciously and powerfully present. And certainly no less important than the personal year in which from an earthly perspective you are situated. It is how your higher self (the channel of the soul) works and speaks through you. We see the soul desire as being the lesson and desire that can from your spiritual body be created, from your spiritual being. |
Soul number | The soul number says something about your deeper feelings and desires. |
Spiritual numbers | In (Youth) numerology, these are the numbers 11, 22 and 33. The corresponding descriptions relate to the more spiritual qualities (talents and lessons). The number 44 also has a spiritual meaning. |
The key | The key contains the skills and talents that allow us to open the various (symbolic) doors. |
The subconscious | The subconscious relates to our emotions and immediate reaction at moments when we don’t have time to think. |
True interior | Determines what we show and do. It is what you show when you are in touch with your higher self (spirit) and are not held back by doubts, fear or the environment. |
Vibration letters | What the total number of letters of the full first name and surname says. |
Power numbers are the numbers: 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 en 99